Produce Project

An Urban Farm focused on Growth

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Student Powered 
Urban Farm

The Produce Project employs students from Troy High School to operate a year-round urban farm and to sell their harvest at markets. In addition to learning life, job and entrepreneurial skills, each student earns school credit, a stipend and a share of the farm’s bounty to share with their families.

Sponsor a Produce Project Student
Produce Project Application

We are accepting student applications for the next semester session.

You can apply online by clicking below. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

Apply online now

What makes the Produce Project special?

This unique experience helps drive youth to continually set new life goals and to take the actions necessary to make them realities throughout their lifetime.

Hands on Horticulture Education

Capital Roots’ Produce Project is a year-round life skills and job readiness training program that increases employment and educational opportunity for Troy students. Participants are given a stipend, food share and school credit as they cultivate two acres of farmland overlooking Troy’s historic downtown.

Community Engagement and Networking

Through workshops, field trips and community service, as well as at their weekly farm stand, Produce Project youth are learning from the larger community. At the same time they are showcasing their talents to potential employers, and networking with folks from many walks of life who can help them realize their dreams and aspirations.

Nutrition and Life Skills

Healthy eating is at the heart of the Produce Project. Youth are served a healthy snack every day. At cooking classes, guest chefs show students how to use the weekly share of the crops they grow to create exciting nutritious meals for themselves and their families.

Entrepreneurship and Leadership

The Produce Project encourages students to recognize their own potential for leadership and nurture the self-confidence they need to take action when opportunities present themselves. The various skill sets we build culminate in an entrepreneurial mindset that help youth attain leadership roles, both on the farm and in the next chapters of their lives.

Heard on the Farm

Students, shoppers and community agree – the Produce Project is a program with benefits far beyond the farm. 

“This program has kept pushing my comfort zone and helped me get out of my shell. Now I’m not afraid to walk up to people and engage them in conversation. In preparation for the summer session I have been helping to conduct new student interviews over Zoom, which have made me feel more confident about my leadership skills and will look really good on my resume.”


Produce Project Student Leader

“I visited the Farm Stand to pick up our Farm Share and herbs. Warmly greeted and questions about items were answered by young enterprising students and supported by able staff. Just magnificent at every level—the products—the policy of opportunity and promoting healthy—and the personalities senior staff impacted upon youth such that they are proud and well informed. It is a model that should be followed nationally in every urban area.”


Farm Stand Shopper

“The mission of the program is so amazing. I mean, there are a lot of people who are struggling right here in Troy and our market is right here in the neighborhood and the fact that people can walk here, get super fresh produce for super cheap is amazing. And also, getting kids from my school and getting prepared for future jobs is good, they get to come here, get that share to take home every week and also get job experience and know how to work.”


Produce Project Student